dAgora - Never Create Alone. [English version]
💡 The process of creation no longer needs to be solitary, as you can now seek inspiration and interact with others. Online communities, akin to the agora of ancient Greece and the cafés of 17th-century France, provide a natural space where creativity and conversation thrive.
In the dAgora, feel free to unleash your creative energy and take ownership of your inspirations and creations.
dAgora - Never Create Alone.
💡 创作不是独自苦思冥想,是在不同的环境里被启发、互动后产生洞见。就像古希腊市集或十七世纪法国咖啡馆,线上社区是灵感火花自然迸发的场所。 在咖啡馆、在市集,让创作自然流淌,你的灵感或创作都属于你。
dAgora 想要重塑线上积极讨论空间。在这里,我们鼓励表达和传播…